Tear Gas Cleanup and removal is a daunting task. Crime Scene Steri-Clean has developed techniques and procedures that allow the tear gas cleanup to go quickly and effectively. With our tear gas neutralizer, break down the tear gas which is imperative for the cleanup process. Some companies utilize high temperature heat which is an expensive, outdated, and completely unnecessary step. The heat itself can cause damage if not applied properly. Tear gas is complicated to remove as it is developed to disperse and stick to surfaces. After the initial dispersion, the tear gas settles on all horizontal surfaces. The oily residue must be removed from all areas of the home including walls, countertops, floors, and contents. If any area is left untreated, it will continue to off-gas, causing irritation in the eyes, nose and respiratory tract.
When law enforcement is forced to fire tear gas into a residence, it is a last resort. Unfortunately, for the homeowner it is a huge problem. CN, CS, and OC are the different types of tear gas used to flush out a suspect when barricaded. The chemical composition of tear gas makes it impossible for anyone to withstand its effects. The only drawback is, it never diminishes. Even after months go by, tear gas will continue to off-gas and cause symptoms of respiratory distress as well as eye, nose and mouth irritation. Tear gas cleanup needs to be performed by a company trained in the proper techniques and solutions which neutralize the irritants.
Call our tear gas removal experts 24 hours a day for a free estimate at (888) 577-7206, then press option #1.
Tear gas is fired out of a gun simliar to a shotgun and the cannister itself is shaped like a small torpedo. When the cannister hits inside the structure it ruptures, releasing a fine oily mist that penetrates all areas of a room. Usually several cannisters are fired into a home making it virtually impossible for a suspect to hide. Unfortunately, the entire house is uninhabitable after such an event. Tear gas usually leaves pink or yellow paint on walls and other surfaces where the cannisters have ruptured. Tear Gas cannisters can and will penetrate into a wall. When this occurs, the drywall must be removed and all pieces of the projectile must be removed. Crime Scene Steri-Clean utilizes special equipment and chemist developed tear gas neutralizers to remove tear gas residue and odor. A company hired for tear gas removal must be properly trained. Tear gas cleanup cannot be accomplished with the proper tools, equipment and cleaning solutions.
Tear gas clean up is not a small undertaking. The cleanup can involve several steps and specialized equipment which is not easy to come by. Even after cleaning, occasionally some of the contents in the home are beyond repair. Crime Scene Steri-Clean has perfomed tear gas clean up on hundreds of homes and are true specialists. Tear gas cleanup should not be attempted by untrained and unprepared individuals. Most of the time our tear gas clean up services are covered by homeowners insurance. We have responded to several homes that have been cleaned by other companies that were not trained in tear gas clean up. If certain steps are not followed the end result will not be sufficient and the residence will not be suitable for occupancy. Trust the tear gas cleanup services of Crime Scene Steri-Clean like so many others have. You will be glad you did.