Steri-Clean provides a variety of services related to homeless camps or encampments. Below is a list of bullet points quickly identifying the most common services we provide, and in the next section we outline our most common services in more detail.
Biohazard Cleanup
Biohazard cleanup at homeless encampments is the main reason our customers call us. The liability to government agencies that utilize their own employees to clean an encampment site can be huge. One stick from a needle, or splash from bodily fluids can be deadly, and not worth the liability. Steri-Clean offices across the nation are highly trained in biohazard remediation, hoarding and homeless encampment cleanup making us the top choce for these situations. Our biohazard cleanup services entail the following services:
Trash Cleanup
Removing the trash and waste from the homeless camps is often an overwhelming task for government entities and businesses. Whether you are faced with a large scale homeless encampment on several acres, or a small single camp behind a building or in a trash enclosure, Steri-Clean is the company of choice by hundreds of cities, counties, businesses and banks. Many of our customers contract for weekly or monthly cleanings so homeless encampments never grow too large and become unmanigeable.
Steri-Clean can supply the needed equipment and supplies to gaurantee the clean up is efficient, cost effictive, and most of all safe. Our goal is to provide our customers with an all inclusive service, so they can focus on other matters. Call us for our expert homeless encampment services 7 days a week at (888) 577-7206. Our national headquarters has live customer service center staffing available 12 hours a day for non emergency calls, and 24 hours a day for emergency calls.
The Human Element
While Steri-Clean is hired by cities, counties, businesses, and banks, it is important to realize the very real human element about what we do. Discarding of a persons only posessions is no easy task. We make every effort to work with our customers to give notice to all of those whose contents we will be taking. Posting signs with 72 hour vacate notices, and will even handover any items of monetary or sentimental value over to the authorities for the owner to claim.
While many homeless people may have lost everything due to bad decisions, addiction and other factors, they are still human. Many others became homeless because of loss of a job, or being abandoned by parents, spouses or other loved ones. Steri-Clean will completely and effectively clean any homeless encampment, but just know we always remember the human element.