Crime Scene Clean Up
Hays Kansas and northeast Kansas have a small population, but that does not mean they have no crime. Shootings, stabbings, assualts and other tragedies occur occasionally throughout citis like Hays, Colby, Great Bend and Goodland. When a trauma scene or death scene is discovered, it is critical that it be properly cleaned and sanitized.
Steri-Clean Kansas is a local company that is part of a nationwide Steri-Clean brand which successfully cleans thousands of homes and businesses each year. Our staff is caring, compassionate, and discreet. Most of our services are covered by insurance and in some cases the State of Kansas. Call our crime scene cleanup live dispatch center with questions or to request services 24 hours a day at (785) 367-0089, or toll free (888) 577-7206. We are here to help in your time of need.
Suicide Clean Up
Kansas experiences an average of 1.2 suicides each day, or 440 annually. This is a high number for the small overall state population. When a loved one commits the unthinkable act of suicide, it leaves family members shocked, and grief stricken with no way to get answers. Further traumatizing is what is left for family members to clean up. Fortunately, Steri-Clean of Kansas are experts in suicide clean up and blood clean up.
If a suicide scene is cleaned by a family member of friend, dangerous pathogens could be left behind, exposing many people to diseases like Heapitits that clan lived for days or even a week of more in the right environment. The grief stricken loved ones would most definitely be further traumatized during and after the cleanup process. Steri-Clean of Kansas can remove this burden from you by properly cleaning any suicide scene, and can even provide a safe to occupy certification.
Undiscovered Death Cleanup
The most common request for our crime scene cleanup service we received, is actually not a crime at all. Undiscovered deaths rank in the top of our most requested services througout the year, and increase even more during warm weather months. When people live alone, they will unfortunately often die alone, only to be found when someone realizes they have not been heard from in some time.
Decomposition results when the body breaks down and unfortunately can result in a lot of damage to a home. Steri-Clean of Kansas will properly assess any scene involving undiscovered death and the resulting decomposition, then provide you with an estimate and plan of action to remediate the scene. The process of cleaning a decomposition typically involves removal of all saturated materials, proper disposal, and odor removal for the associated odors. Call us 24 hours a day for a free estimate. (888) 577-7206

Crime Scene Cleanup Nortwest Kansas Service Area
Steri-Clean Kansas has services for all of the following Counties within Northwest Kansas, as well as the entire state of Kansas.