Suicide Clean Up Bay City
Suicides in Bay City and all of Texas are increasing at a growing rate. According to the American Society for Suicide Prevention, "more than twice as many people die by suicide in Texas annually than by homicide. the total deaths to suicide reflect a total of 72,622 years of potential life lost (YPLL) before age 65. This is really shocking you think about it. Then, if you add in the fact that there are thousands of attempted suicides that occur each year, families are facing tragedy throughout Texas.
In the tragic event of a suicide, unfortunately, the situation can be worsened by the fact that loved ones are typically left to clean up the remains. After the coroner and police finish their investigation, the family must deal with it themselves. It has been proven that bearing the emotional burden of attempting this type of clean up on your own often makes matters much worse for the individual. The safest option is to work with a company like us to help you through the crisis.
If you are faced with the overwhelming task of a suicide clean up in Bay City, Texas, or any surrounding communities, contact our compassionate and skilled team at Steri-Clean to provide you with our affordable cleanup services. We provide free estimates, service, and can often bill your insurance for our services.
Steri-Clean is available to respond 24 hours a day to suicide cleanup and blood cleanup. Our 24-hour live helpline can be reached by calling toll free (888) 577-7206, or local (979) 987-4174.
Undiscovered Death Bay City
In Texas, and throughout the country, there is an unfortunate increase in undiscovered deaths each year, due mainly because of our improving healthcare. Elderly people are living longer lives and often much more independently. When people live alone, they may not have people checking on them regularly so when they die, they are not discovered for days, weeks, or even longer.
Steri-Clean Houston replies to calls for human decomposition cleanup and undiscovered death clean up more than any other call. So how fast does the cleanup need to happen after a natural death? Depending on environmental factors list temperature and humidity, typically a body will begin to decompose within 24 to 48 hours. During warmer months and in times of increased humidity the process speeds up significantly. This process can do major damage to a home.
Within a couple of days of the actual death, fluids will have left the body and absorbed into any items or furniture around the body. Consequently, the cleaning of an undiscovered death scene should only be performed by trained professionals. The removal of fluids, odor, and decomposition remains is very challenging and should only be done by professionals. The infectious waste must be collected and packaged and then disposed of in the proper, legal manner.
Our staff is ready to assist you day or night, anywhere in Bay City, and surrounding areas.
Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with questions, estimates, or services requests toll-free at 888-577-7206 or local (979) 987-4174
Crime Scene Clean Up Bay City
Steri-Clean provides professional cleanup scenes involving traumatic accidents, crime scenes, and other types of extreme cleaning incidents.
Steri-Clean Houston is highly trained to deal with all types of biohazard situations. Our team of technicians work diligently to reduce the danger of exposure to bloodborne illnesses and communicable diseases like Hepatitis, HIV, and TB. Human blood and bodily fluids can contain bacteria or viruses that can live outside of the body for long periods of time in the right environment. Do not attempt to do this type of clean up on your own, it might expose family members or loved ones to a terrible risk. Additionally, the emotional burden of attempting to clean a crime scene cannot be overlooked.
Blood cleanup, crime scene cleanup, or any bodily fluid/biohazard cleanup should only be performed by a person who has been trained in bloodborne pathogens, and proper disinfection/decontamination procedures. It is required by law, that legally nobody can clean a crime scene without being trained and offered vaccines if they are being paid. They are also laws to follow regarding the disposal of biohazardous waste in order to prevent possible further spread of infectious waste into local landfills.
If you need affordable, professional and discreet crime scene cleanup or blood clean up our team of skilled professionals is here to help.
Call Steri-Clean 24 hours a day at (979) 987-4174 or toll-free (888) 577-7206.
Steri-Clean provides the Bay City and Palacios area with professional, yet affordable crime scene cleanup, suicide cleanup, undiscovered death cleanup, infection control, norovirus outbreak control, and many other biohazard cleanup services. Often times we can bill your auto, homeowners, or commercial insurance for jobs. Contact us today for any extreme cleaning needs. We are here to help you!