Automobiles | Semi Trucks | Boats | Trains | Airplanes | Buses | Motorhomes
Unfortunately, automobiles are a common place for suicides. We also clean and disinfect many vehicles involved in homicides and serious car accidents. The process of properly cleaning a vehicle can be as simple as high temperature steam cleaning of the fabrics or, as complex as, disassembling the interior and replacing numerous vehicle components. Each job is unique and must be evaluated by one of our properly trained biohazard technicians before the extent of damage can be determined. Auto insurance will typically cover the cost of cleaning as well as replacement of damaged components.
Vehicles with heavy blood saturation will need to be brought to our facility where we can dismantle necessary components, clean underneath carpet & padding and disinfect all involved areas. Smaller blood spills can be cleaned by our mobile auto decontamination unit at your location.
Our in-house auto lift allows us to completely clean the undercarriage of vehicles after they are involved in an accident where an animal or pedestrian is struck and run over. These types of incidents would normally be very difficult to clean. With our pressure washing/vacuum recovery system, any vehicle can be quickly cleaned and all recovered wastewater is properly disposed of. Photo to the left shows a similar system being used to perform the undercarriage wash (without the blood). Photo by Detail Works, Inc..