Police Cars | Jail Cells | Evidence Lockers | Drying Cabinets | Misc. Equipment
Emergency Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
Crime Scene Steri-Clean is contracted by hundreds of cities, law enforcement agencies and fire departments throughout the nation for the cleaning and disinfection of emergency vehicles after the transport of a person which leaves behind any number of potentially hazardous bodily fluids from urine and vomit to blood and feces. We give public agencies very reasonable rates for this service and can usually be on the scene within 45 minutes of a call. We will completely clean and disinfect the passenger compartment as well as door handles, compartment divider, windows, equipment, etc. Call us for more information.

Jail/ Holding Cell Cleaning
Crime Scene Steri-Clean also responds to numerous calls annually to clean and disinfect jail/holding cells affected with bodily fluids and pepper spray. In fact, this year we responded to a courthouse to clean and disinfect an entire floor of holding cells as well as an entire prison facility. After the discovery of a biohazard spill in a cell, it is important that it is properly cleaned and disinfected to prevent the spread to other inmates.
Traffic Accidents/ Shootings/ Assaults on Public Property
Crime Scene Steri-Clean is contracted with over 4 dozen cities for immediate, 24 hour response to any blood spills on roadways, sidewalks, parking lots and other public property. Our custom built pressure washing and vacuum recovery system enables us to completely remove all biohazard, erase all stains, and disinfect the scene much quicker than cleaning by hand while eliminating any solid waste disposal. Since creating this system over 13 years ago, it has not only relieved officers back to available status quicker, but saves a tremendous amount of money. In fact, most traffic related incidents are cleaned free for the city that requests us.
Fire department "wash downs" of blood is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Did you know everything washed down the gutter goes directly to our oceans and beaches? New laws dictate how blood should be cleaned and we can help you become compliant. Contact us for more information on this service.

Evidence Room Cleaning
Our services for law enforcement also includes the cleaning and maintenance of evidence rooms including drying cabinets, hanging racks, and processing rooms. Also included in our service is the disposal of collected evidence such as bloody clothing and other biohazardous waste. We are available for weekly, monthly or bi-monthly scheduled service as well as emergency callouts. Cleaning of evidence processing areas are performed not only to clean and disinfect these areas, but also prevent cross contamination of DNA evidence. Call us for unbelievably low pricing plans.